mbAce’s blög

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Archive for panspermia

E.T. found in upper atmosphere, again.

panA story about new species of bacteria first caught my attention on CNN and it got me really interested but was just too short in itself. So I googled the topic and found another article about it.

This Yahoo India article describes the experiment in better detail and pretty much satisfied my thirst for info… Until I saw towards the end that this was actually the second time that the experiment had been conducted. And wait a minute, it was first done in 2001 also with positive results?!

Yea, so then I found this article from July 01 and it went even further and declared that Panspermia was now almost proven since these bacteria clearly came from space and inhabited earth.

Cool, so apparently eight years ago they found out about E.T. bacteria that just might be the cause of all the living things on earth and now you just kind of wanted to remind us again. Nice and thanks for making a big deal out of it 🙂

My suggestion: Invest in Marketing.