mbAce’s blög

MScBA Marketing, web 2.0, etc.

Archive for February 2, 2009

Viral marketing strikes the blog-o-sphere


Well viral in the sense that it’s spreading among bloggers  that want more visitors like the plague and in a different sense a live blog feed that lets you see blog posts in real time. The site is called and it basically opens a new blog every few seconds, so you can catch a glimpse of a recently posted random blog. This is of course important for most bloggers who calculate success in click throughs and page views. There is also a possibility to hype your blog, or to get an extra number of clicks if you post their name on your blog. Yep, guilty, couldn’t resist trying.

The approach itself is interesting and seems to work very well. Many might agree that it is cheating, but it does offer a new useful service to blog enthusiasts. My opinion is that it sure smells a lot like spam, but the author seems sincere and so far I really haven’t seen anything too negative. From a company’s point of view, things like these can become goldmines, but only if they find out a way to make actual money that is.

What do you think? Is the site a viral danger or a blessing in disguise?

However it may be, this contraption is sure to piss off some people. At least from a marketing perspective it really hurts the analytics reliability of a website. Maybe a nice boost for your regular blogger, but a real pain in the ass for a whole bunch of suits somewhere.

Qik is the live Youtube

ashton is a website that lets you use your mobile phone as a live streaming video camera. It takes the youtube approach to the next level by streaming user created videos with very little lag.

Overall the service and the website work well and are easy to use. Now it is only a matter of time until people get unlimited data plans start a new generation of independent journalism.

I have my own account there which I plan to start using a bit more in the future, but forget about me, Ashton Kutcher is also live blogging with Qik, with his lovely wife Demi from their home in Tampa Bay. I usually am not a sucker for celebrity gossip, but this kind of celebrity endorsement has got to be good for their business.

Phelps is sorry for getting caught with a bong


If you take a bong hit when you are a regular 23 year old guy, nobody cares. But if your name is Michael Phelps then you are fucked. That’s the crude fact about being a celebrity, you have to keep up appearances.

We accept weed smoking references in the 70’s show and in others like Family guy, but to a youth oriented sports celebrity this kind of publicity can be a nasty blow.
If anything it should be a move towards the better, at least compared to driving under the influence. Well whatever happens the Phelps PR team sure has their hands full trying to clean up the mess.

My two bits? I say lock them up for DUI and be less critical against bong rips. After all hypocrisy on this matter is already too common and if any one deserves to relax a bit, it should be the guy who has 16 Olympic medals.

Steelers Win 27-23!

The ending of theSuper Bowl XLIII was yet again incredibly exciting and featured the longest play in SB history and a great comeback by the Cardinals.

Congratulations to the Steelers and you can check the end game highlights from my Qik profile.

Update: Or if you want to catch the Arizona Comcast version of Fitzgeralds comeback spiced up by a porno edit, here is the link. Warning, full frontal nudity ahead. Quite an “accident”, maybe even tops Janet Jacksons stunt.

Harrison “almost” makes longest touchdown ever for Steelers!


This touchdown by James Harrison is unbelievable and there was a long time looking at it, and but in the end it was disqualified due to the ball hitting another players leg first, or something. I don’t know but a run like that deserves a touchdown, man.

Lets not forget it still is the longest play in Super Bowl history, but still makes me feel like “close but no cigar.”

Well the Steelers are winning anyway so I should be happy, and Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street band is playing and the Boss seems to have some new cool moves too.

Cheers and happy SB sunday to all!
